If you are considering getting a divorce, or know you will be going through one soon, you may be looking into lower cost alternatives to hiring an attorney. Do-it-yourself solutions, un-bundled legal services and different types of mediation are becoming increasingly popular as divorcing couples look for ways to make their divorce as cost-effective as possible. When soon-to-be divorcing couples see that they can simply download some forms or even share one lawyer they may ask “do I really need a divorce lawyer?” or “how can a divorce lawyer help me?”.
At the Beverly Hills Law Office of Michael L. Maguire & Associates, we work with people throughout the Los Angeles metro area who are facing divorce. We do not believe in a “one size fits all” approach, rather we custom tailor a plan specific to your specific family situation. Whether or not there are minor children involved, where your ex-spouse will reside and your shared financial situation all have a dramatic impact on how your divorce should be handled. Trusting a “one size fits all” approach, or trying to handle your divorce on your own can lead to very expensive and very difficult problems down the road. When you hire a lawyer to represent you, it can seem expensive compared to lower cost and do-it-yourself solutions. However, a mistake when handling your own divorce can cost you tens of thousands of dollars for years to come. Having a dedicated, experienced lawyer looking out solely for your interest and your children’s interest is the best way to reach the best outcome and ensure that you do not have to re-visit key pieces of your divorce because mistakes were made.
The following article explains four additional reasons that it pays to have a lawyer on your side. If you are facing a divorce and would like to speak with the experienced attorneys at The Law Offices of Michael L. Maguire & Associates, do not hesitate to contact us.
1. Expert Advice
If you were climbing Mt. Everest, you’d likely go with a sherpa. On vacation in New York City you would probably hire a cab instead of trying to navigate the busy streets on your own. There are countless examples of how we rely on a guide with meaningful experience, especially when we are up against a difficult challenge. Going through a divorce is no different; you likely have never gone through the divorce process before. The stakes around your divorce are simply too high to allow it to be a “learning experience”. Trust an experienced divorce attorney to make sure that you can work through the challenges of a divorce and arrive at the best possible outcome for you and your family.
Do you understand the nuances between community property, separate property and quasi-community property? What about assets that have changed in value during the duration of the marriage? How do you take retirement accounts or items with sentimental value and split them 50/50? What about outstanding debt? A mortgage? Tax liability? The fact is, there are a lot of difficult, and potentially very costly issues that can arise even from a “simple” divorce. An experienced attorney on your side gives you the confidence and knowledge to make the right decisions each step of the way. Don’t make a mistake that could cost you money and peace of mind for years to come. Even the smallest oversight or omission could result in a major financial loss for you (or gain for your soon to be ex-spouse).
No one should expect you to make it through the entire divorce process without feeling some stress. It’s a massive life change that can turn every important piece of your life up-side down. When you are wrestling with your personal finances, where you live, the car you drive and the mental and emotional health of your children it would be strange to NOT feel stress during a divorce. However, there is no reason to be stressed about missing a court deadline or filing incorrect paperwork. When you have an experienced divorce attorney on your side, you can let go of the worries tied to procedural issues and focus on making sure that you and your children get through the divorce process as easily and stress-free as possible.
Divorces can take as little as a few months, while others can drag on for years. There are many variables that will affect how long your divorce takes, but a lack of familiarity with the divorce process should not be one of them. Working with the divorce lawyers at The Law Offices Michael L. Maguire & Associates in Beverly Hills helps ensure that every step of your divorce stays on schedule.
In our follow up article, we will discuss four more reasons why it’s important to have a family law attorney protecting your interests through the divorce process, including: