With the new year upon us and the Holidays all but a distant memory, the family law courts will be busy with new filings. People tend to not get divorced during the holiday season, and it picks up again in January. So it would make sense for our blog to focus on traditional topics like custody, asset division and the complexities of divorce. Instead, we are going to run a six part articles about saying “I Do….to Fulfillment”.
What is Fulfillment?
Living a life of fulfillment is something that we all strive to do, but often have trouble figuring out exactly how to achieve this complex goal. The term “Fulfillment” makes me think about the old adage that “money can not buy happiness”. More specifically, that a person’s “happiness” or ability to feel fulfilled isn’t tied to what we have or even what we’re doing, but to how we feel about it. Is it a “once in a lifetime trip?” or an “unbearable 6 hour plane ride”? Is it “The opportunity to start a great week” or “a terrible Monday morning”. Fulfillment seems like it may have more to do with our own perception, rather than what’s really going on around us.
What Does any of This Have to Do with Divorce?
The original article that was the inspiration for these posts lists six different tips to help have better relationships. We are going to break each one down into a short article and share some thoughts about how the concept ties in to family law. Hopefully it will help you gain some perspective on your own situation. Some people get divorced because of the promise of their second chance; others get divorced because they can’t continue with their current situation another day. Regardless of the reason for your divorce, we hope that these articles at least help you to ponder how the decision you make will relate to your long-term happiness and sense of fulfillment.
Long-Term Mental and Physical Health
There are six topics we’ll cover, all with the goal of obtaining a better perspective of our surroundings, what we’ve accomplished and who we are. If you’re interested in reading the full text of the original articles, click here. The six topics include (these will become links as the articles are published):
- Becoming a More Patient Person
- Navigating a Party or New Social Situation
- Revive an Old Friendship
- Turn a Breakup Into a Positive Experience
- Stop Being So Hard on Yourself
- Navigate the Financial Side of a Relationship
Beverly Hills Divorce & Family Law
If you have questions about your own family law situation, the experienced team at Maguire & Associates is ready to help. To take the first step, contact us today.